Province of Reggio Emilia: уникальные мероприятия

Province of Reggio Emilia: уникальные мероприятия

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С лучшими оценками

Секреты пармезана
At the arrival I will offer you cofee break, and I will give you a lab coat for the access to the production area. I’ll bring you along a complete tour to discover all the steps of Parmigiano Reggiano’s production. We’ll see where the animals are bred and where the milk is mould. We’ll go into the cheese factory during milk processing and we'll witness in cooking and making cheese wheels. We’ll see then the process of salting and maturing up to enter the huge “caveau”, where thousands of cheeses wheels are guarded and laid out in long rows in the silent maturation rooms and where the scent of cheese will smell so nice and exciting that we won’t be able to resist till the final tasting of cheese and local typical products. Other things to note if the experience is full but you arrive by car, maybe I can add availability. please contact me and check
Велопрогулка по Парме и дегустация пармезана
Parma is bike-friendly city! The bike is the ideal means of transport to discover the ducal city with its parks, monuments, history and charm. I want suggest you an half day bike tour to enjoy my city and our typical products! We start early morning (at 8:30) or in the afternoon (at 3pm) to visit a Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory to see all production chain, the different rooms and the huge storage with inside a lot of wheels!!! There is also a tasting of 3 different Parmigiano Reggiano ages. The cost for the tasting is not included in the experience: 8€ per person in the morning and 6€ per person in the afternoon. Free for kids under 12 years. After, we ride the bike in the countryside to see our crops and our nature! We come back in the city through a bike lane near the river and visit the city center with our bikes through its restricted traffic zones. In the afternoon the production is not seen but don't worry that I will explain everything to you in detail. Bike Food Stories I have also electric bikes
Секреты бальзамического уксуса
We will discover together all the secrets of this ancient production. We will see the rooms where for decades the vinegar barrels rest and as still today this precious gold food is prepared according to an ancient family tradition that is handed down from generation to generation. We will taste 3 different seasonings of vinegar of 8/15/25 years .and we will taste the balsamic vinegar with a vanilla ice cream I will teach you how to use this precious vinegar, to make wonderful delicious and unique recipes that everyone will envy you. NOTE: Round trip transportation by the train station of Reggio Emilia with air-conditioned minivan and professional driver, can be added on request 2 days befor
Бальзамический уксус Модены: дегустация и экскурсия
The experience takes place at "Acetaia Malagoli Daniele and B&B" in the emilian countryside between Modena and Bologna. Daniele is Sofia's dad and at the age of 22 she turned his hobby for Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena into a business. The house is based in the emilian countryside, between of Modena and Bologna. What to expect? Well, first of all a warm welcome, but also a professional explanation - surrounded by ancient barrels - on the black gold of Modena. The Malagolis are always glad to welcome tourists at their family’s Acetaia and B&B and to share their knowledge and passion with them. This is an educational experience where you'll learn a lot about the traditions of Modena, but especially on authentic products and how to recognize them. You'll learn the differences between the IGP Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and the DOP Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. They sound similar, they both are good products, but they are at the same time, different products, born for different reasons and it means that they should be also used differently. Moreover, you'll understand how to recognize them on the market. Last but not least: you can chose to come at 2:30 - as scheduled - or at 10:30 am or 4:30 pm. Chose the time that works better for you and tell it to us!
Пальма глазами местной жительницы
Ti accoglierò nel punto più antico di Parma, inizio della sua storia e della nostra esperienza! Ti aspettano un sorriso, una stretta di mano, un bicchiere e da qui partiremo con la nostra camminata culturale lungo cardo e decumano. Sarò il tuo Cicerone alla scoperta del centro storico dal Medioevo ad oggi: fai il ‘detective di immagini’, confronta foto storiche e monumenti attuali e immortala ciò che incontrerai di più curioso mentre ti racconto modi di dire in dialetto e aneddoti per scoprire la città in modo originale e condiviso! Ti narrerò storie, leggende e bizzarie sui monumenti più significativi scoprendo assieme rarità locali che solo una persona del luogo può indicarti! Infine, tre soste culinarie immancabili (siamo nella Unesco City of Gastronomy!) ci attendono! Potrete assaggiare alcune pietanze regine della gastronomia e del sabato dei parmigiani! Altre cose da tenere a mente Scrivimi per orari e giorni differenti! Sarò inoltre felice di rispondere ai tuoi interrogativi, cambiare itinerario o focalizzarlo sui tuoi interessi. Segnalami intolleranze. Se cerchi un appartamento da sogno a Parma, comodo e centrale, scrivimi! Collaboro con una struttura su Airbnb!

Лучшие местные винодельни: экскурсия и дегустация

Всё о бальзамическом уксусе + дегустация
Nonantola (Campazzo) in The province of Modena,(Maranello FERRARI CAR -20 min) about half an hour in the Northwest of Bologna,(DUCATI MOTORBIKE,35 min, LAMBORGHINI CAR 10 min) is the only and exclusive area in the world where Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena (ABTM D.O.P.) is produced, a traditional Emilian cuisine made with Cooked grape must, naturally fermented and vinegarizated, nothing is added and then aged for at least twelve(12) years or Twenty five (25) and until fifty years or more. You will be immersed in a tasting experience (10 different kinds of aged vinegar) and understanding of the aging process of this Masterpiece of Italian culinary tradition. On Request IN ADVANCE (2 days at least) at the end of the visit you could taste the flavours of traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena in typical dishes(ask for Menu and cost)You could also purchase Giugiaro bottle of 100 ml of 12 or 25 years old vinegar, as a memory or gift. Other things to note The aging process requires cold temperatures in winter and hot in summer so be prepared with the appropriate equipment. Don't forget the photo/video camera.
Пармезан и бальзамический уксус
Have you ever wondered how the King of Italian cheeses is made? What is the feeding of Parmigiano-Reggiano dairy cows, how much milk do they produce, how is it stored and delivered to the dairy? We will follow the cheese production process step by step, side by side with the expert master cheesemaker. We will see the master cheesemaker’s deft movements during the breaking of the curd with the “spino” and the delicate cooking phase during which the heat is skillfully controlled to expel water from the granules. We will discover ancient tools and modern materials, method and passion, a magical combination that leads to the creation of Parmigiano-Reggiano every morning. We will observe the light yellow reflections on the water in the silent salting room and the infinite shades of yellow in the fragrant warehouse! Visiting a Parmigiano cheese dairy is a joy for all the senses and a memory that can last a lifetime. At the end of this experience, Parmigiano-Reggiano taste will always bring back memories of the passion and the marvels encountered along the way. We will discover the secrets of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, one of the hidden and still little-known jewels of the Reggio Emilia and Modena area. We are waiting for you to live a truly unforgettable experience! Transportation is not included, but we can arrange it at an extra cost. Dogs are not allowed inside the dairy.
Модена: обед и дегустация традиционного бальзамического уксуса
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli, una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. Proponiamo una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia, seguita da una ricca degustazione del nostro amato prodotto inserito all’interno di un vero e proprio pranzo. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli, che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico dell’ABTM D.O.P. A questo punto sarete pronti per la ricca degustazione di ABTM in abbinamento ai prodotti che hanno reso l'Emilia- Romagna famosa nel mondo. Menù: • 3 stagionature di Parmigiano Reggiano (18 mesi, 24 mesi e oltre 30 mesi) • 2 tipologie di ricotta (di mucca e di pecora) • 2 tipologie di frittata con verdure (zucchine; peperoni e cipolla) • 3 tipologie di gnocco al forno (all’olio, con formaggio e funghi, con formaggio e prosciutto) • 8 tipologie di salumi (es. Prosciutto Crudo di Parma D.O.P., Mortadella “Bologna”, salame, ciccioli, coppa, pancetta, coppa di testa, lardo) • Risotto alla parmigiana • Dolce • Caffè • Amari della casa Saluti balsamici! Mario e Giorgio
Посещение уксусного завода Gambigliani Zoccoli
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. La nostra proposta prevede una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia seguita dalla degustazione in purezza dei nostri due prodotti: Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. minimo 12 anni d'invecchiamento e Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. oltre 25 anni d'invecchiamento. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda Agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico. A questo punto sarete pronti per degustare l'ABTM in abbinamento ad 1 stagionatura di Parmigiano Reggiano, una ricotta ed un dolce della casa. (Realizzando tutto in casa, gli abbinamenti proposti potrebbero variare a seconda della disponibilità). Saluti balsamici Mario e Giorgio
Visita in cantina e degustazione di Lambrusco
L'azienda agricola Cleto Chiarli, è una relatà nata su solide e antiche radici, riuscita in pochi anni a esprimere la migliore sintesi tra avanguardia e rispetto della tradizione vinicola emiliana. Il coronamento di una storia d'impreditoria vinicola nata nel 1860, quando il fondatore, Cleto Chiarli, avvia per primo a Modena la produzione di Lambrusco. Il servizio di accoglienza offerto dalla storica azienda CHIARLI, propone tour guidati ai vigneti, alla cantina e degustazione vini, presso la prestigiosa Tenuta Villa Cialdini a Castelvetro di Modena. La durata della visita è di un’ora e mezza circa, prevede l’osservazione dei vigneti, la spiegazione delle fasi di vinificazione e la degustazione di quattro etichette della linea d’eccellenza Cleto Chiarli Tenute Agricole, fiore all’occhiello dell’Azienda.

Province of Reggio Emilia: все мероприятия поблизости

Секреты пармезана
At the arrival I will offer you cofee break, and I will give you a lab coat for the access to the production area. I’ll bring you along a complete tour to discover all the steps of Parmigiano Reggiano’s production. We’ll see where the animals are bred and where the milk is mould. We’ll go into the cheese factory during milk processing and we'll witness in cooking and making cheese wheels. We’ll see then the process of salting and maturing up to enter the huge “caveau”, where thousands of cheeses wheels are guarded and laid out in long rows in the silent maturation rooms and where the scent of cheese will smell so nice and exciting that we won’t be able to resist till the final tasting of cheese and local typical products. Other things to note if the experience is full but you arrive by car, maybe I can add availability. please contact me and check
Велопрогулка по Парме и дегустация пармезана
Parma is bike-friendly city! The bike is the ideal means of transport to discover the ducal city with its parks, monuments, history and charm. I want suggest you an half day bike tour to enjoy my city and our typical products! We start early morning (at 8:30) or in the afternoon (at 3pm) to visit a Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory to see all production chain, the different rooms and the huge storage with inside a lot of wheels!!! There is also a tasting of 3 different Parmigiano Reggiano ages. The cost for the tasting is not included in the experience: 8€ per person in the morning and 6€ per person in the afternoon. Free for kids under 12 years. After, we ride the bike in the countryside to see our crops and our nature! We come back in the city through a bike lane near the river and visit the city center with our bikes through its restricted traffic zones. In the afternoon the production is not seen but don't worry that I will explain everything to you in detail. Bike Food Stories I have also electric bikes
Гастропрогулка по Парме на полдня
Experience Parma’s rich culture and fascinating history the best way possible – through its cuisine! We are parmesans who are wildly passionate about all the delicious food found around this world-famous and historical town. During this Parma Food walking tour you will discover the history, art and culture of the “Little Capital” and will experience parmesan lifestyle, visiting the places that locals love and immersing yourself in the street life. Booking this tour you will experience our passion by eating traditional Parmesan food! You will discover the secrets of the worldwide famous typical products of this area and taste them: Parmigiano Reggiano, Parma Ham, Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, Culatello of Zibello, Spalla, Salame, Lambrusco and Gelato. These are just some of the protagonists of this exciting walk! Discover Parma old town, learn how to make the perfect espresso and cappuccino, savor mouth-watering pastries, pies and homemade pasta. Once concluded the Parma Food walking tour, you will leave with a stomach full of traditional food, plus local knowledge and sightseeing tips, to enhance the pleasure of your trip that will last for a lifetime! Tasting cost is not included. We stop at 5 different eateries. Guests simply purchase which ever food samples they wish and pay for them directly. If one does all the tastings the total cost is 40-50 euro per person.
Пармезан и бальзамический уксус
Have you ever wondered how the King of Italian cheeses is made? What is the feeding of Parmigiano-Reggiano dairy cows, how much milk do they produce, how is it stored and delivered to the dairy? We will follow the cheese production process step by step, side by side with the expert master cheesemaker. We will see the master cheesemaker’s deft movements during the breaking of the curd with the “spino” and the delicate cooking phase during which the heat is skillfully controlled to expel water from the granules. We will discover ancient tools and modern materials, method and passion, a magical combination that leads to the creation of Parmigiano-Reggiano every morning. We will observe the light yellow reflections on the water in the silent salting room and the infinite shades of yellow in the fragrant warehouse! Visiting a Parmigiano cheese dairy is a joy for all the senses and a memory that can last a lifetime. At the end of this experience, Parmigiano-Reggiano taste will always bring back memories of the passion and the marvels encountered along the way. We will discover the secrets of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, one of the hidden and still little-known jewels of the Reggio Emilia and Modena area. We are waiting for you to live a truly unforgettable experience! Transportation is not included, but we can arrange it at an extra cost. Dogs are not allowed inside the dairy.
Parmesan cheese & Balsamic vinegar taste and tour in Modena
Hello Guys, as many of our visitors say, this experiece is a MUST TO DO! Thanks to it we are going to discover how the real Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena & Parmigiano Reggiano cheese are made! This is an authentic opportunity to also learn how to recognize the original ones in the market! After the tour, you’ll taste the products to discover their typical flavor, colors and taste! This experiences takes place in 2 different places, which are 2 farms in the heart of the Emilian countryside, between Modena and Bologna, where you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy some of the best of our territory! You'll se the cows, the milking room, the cheese makers at work and the fashinating ageing of the king of the cheeses! At the balsamic cellar, you'll see the ancient barrels and you'll smell a magical flavor that you won't never forget! Note: if you won’t have any car, tell us as soon you book it; we will support you arranging the transfer service and its cost will be separated by the experience. IMPORTANT: The experience begins at the cheese factory - since the making of the cheese is every day early morning - and its address is Via Baracca 6/A, Castelfranco Emilia. When you arrive, enter and go to the end of the road! AGAIN, if you won't have a car, the best way to arrive is taking a train to Castelfranco Emilia. Last but not least: Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Модена: обед и дегустация традиционного бальзамического уксуса
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli, una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. Proponiamo una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia, seguita da una ricca degustazione del nostro amato prodotto inserito all’interno di un vero e proprio pranzo. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli, che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico dell’ABTM D.O.P. A questo punto sarete pronti per la ricca degustazione di ABTM in abbinamento ai prodotti che hanno reso l'Emilia- Romagna famosa nel mondo. Menù: • 3 stagionature di Parmigiano Reggiano (18 mesi, 24 mesi e oltre 30 mesi) • 2 tipologie di ricotta (di mucca e di pecora) • 2 tipologie di frittata con verdure (zucchine; peperoni e cipolla) • 3 tipologie di gnocco al forno (all’olio, con formaggio e funghi, con formaggio e prosciutto) • 8 tipologie di salumi (es. Prosciutto Crudo di Parma D.O.P., Mortadella “Bologna”, salame, ciccioli, coppa, pancetta, coppa di testa, lardo) • Risotto alla parmigiana • Dolce • Caffè • Amari della casa Saluti balsamici! Mario e Giorgio
Секреты бальзамического уксуса
We will discover together all the secrets of this ancient production. We will see the rooms where for decades the vinegar barrels rest and as still today this precious gold food is prepared according to an ancient family tradition that is handed down from generation to generation. We will taste 3 different seasonings of vinegar of 8/15/25 years .and we will taste the balsamic vinegar with a vanilla ice cream I will teach you how to use this precious vinegar, to make wonderful delicious and unique recipes that everyone will envy you. NOTE: Round trip transportation by the train station of Reggio Emilia with air-conditioned minivan and professional driver, can be added on request 2 days befor
Пармезан и прошутто: гастротур
Discover the secrets of two worldwide famous produce of Made in Italy with a local expert: Parmigiano Reggiano and Prosciutto di Parma ( Parma Ham ) Visit a traditional Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory and learn the secrets of one of the most celebrated ingredients of Italy. Watch the cheese makers at work and taste some cheese with honey and local wine. Hear how the cheese – protected by the EU – is still produced following traditional methods. Exclusively made in the Zona Tipica of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and parts of Bologna and Mantova, parmesan cheese dates back over 9 centuries. Watch the cheese makers pull the product from the milk vats and visit the shaping and salting rooms before going to the stagionatura where the cheese is aged. Savor the sight and smell of thousands of wheels of cheese. Then, taste the delicious cheese with some honey and local wine! After the cheese factory proceed ( after few minutes driving ) to the Parma ham factory. Go to the cellar branding area. See where the meat is cooled, salted and rested. Taste some cold cuts with local wines and more. Visit organic farm that produces the famous Parma ham and meet the producer to discover the process of making a gourmet Parma ham. Follow the process and Enjoy access to areas such as the cooling, salting and "resting" rooms. Finally Taste delicious Parma ham paired with a glass of Malvasia
Learn how to make fresh pasta in the heart of food valley
Now imagine: fresh tagliatelle and ravioli made in an italian kitchen with an Italian family. Welcome to "Pasta Special Cooking Class" in the heart of food valley. Thanks to this experience you will not only learn how to make pasta but you can also discover Calestano, a very characteristic medieval village that you will not find on any map. Don’t have a car to reach us? Don’t worry, offer a transport service from the centre of Parma. Once reach my house we will teach you to create two types of pasta with: Tagliatelle Ravioli (ricotta and seasonal ingredients) While pasta cooks you can also taste cold cuts and cheeses typical of this area with a good wine (red or white - you can choose). Not only that: a special homemade tiramisù wait for you. After the experience we will take you back to Parma. We already have our own knotted aprons. You are the only one missing! Once back home you can surely impress your friends and family with what you have learn about Italian tradition!
Бальзамический уксус Модены: дегустация и экскурсия
The experience takes place at "Acetaia Malagoli Daniele and B&B" in the emilian countryside between Modena and Bologna. Daniele is Sofia's dad and at the age of 22 she turned his hobby for Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena into a business. The house is based in the emilian countryside, between of Modena and Bologna. What to expect? Well, first of all a warm welcome, but also a professional explanation - surrounded by ancient barrels - on the black gold of Modena. The Malagolis are always glad to welcome tourists at their family’s Acetaia and B&B and to share their knowledge and passion with them. This is an educational experience where you'll learn a lot about the traditions of Modena, but especially on authentic products and how to recognize them. You'll learn the differences between the IGP Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and the DOP Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. They sound similar, they both are good products, but they are at the same time, different products, born for different reasons and it means that they should be also used differently. Moreover, you'll understand how to recognize them on the market. Last but not least: you can chose to come at 2:30 - as scheduled - or at 10:30 am or 4:30 pm. Chose the time that works better for you and tell it to us!
Пальма глазами местной жительницы
Ti accoglierò nel punto più antico di Parma, inizio della sua storia e della nostra esperienza! Ti aspettano un sorriso, una stretta di mano, un bicchiere e da qui partiremo con la nostra camminata culturale lungo cardo e decumano. Sarò il tuo Cicerone alla scoperta del centro storico dal Medioevo ad oggi: fai il ‘detective di immagini’, confronta foto storiche e monumenti attuali e immortala ciò che incontrerai di più curioso mentre ti racconto modi di dire in dialetto e aneddoti per scoprire la città in modo originale e condiviso! Ti narrerò storie, leggende e bizzarie sui monumenti più significativi scoprendo assieme rarità locali che solo una persona del luogo può indicarti! Infine, tre soste culinarie immancabili (siamo nella Unesco City of Gastronomy!) ci attendono! Potrete assaggiare alcune pietanze regine della gastronomia e del sabato dei parmigiani! Altre cose da tenere a mente Scrivimi per orari e giorni differenti! Sarò inoltre felice di rispondere ai tuoi interrogativi, cambiare itinerario o focalizzarlo sui tuoi interessi. Segnalami intolleranze. Se cerchi un appartamento da sogno a Parma, comodo e centrale, scrivimi! Collaboro con una struttura su Airbnb!
Пицца в Малге
SCRIVETEMI PER SAPERE SE CI SONO PRENOTAZIONI IN CORSO E/O POSTI DISPONIBILI J. Ho ristrutturato un vecchio forno a legno immerso in un contesto naturalistico meraviglioso regalato dal silenzio di prati ed alberi. Siederete su un comodo sofà vintage sotto ad un bellissimo castagno di cui godrete il piacevole profumo in una location shabby style. Non troverete il classico tavolo imbandito, ma siederete dove più vi piace scegliendo da uno stump di legno a vecchie poltrone godendo del cielo stellato e del luccichio delle lucciole. Se siete fortunati potrete avvistare qualche capriolo mentre io a pochi passi da voi guarnirò e sfornerò le pizze con un impasto fatto da me. Tra una pizza e l’altra avrete il piacere di tagliarle gustandole con i vostri amici o altri commensali in un mood di completo relax. Alcuni prodotti provengono direttamente dal mio orto (secondo la stagionalità): - basilico - Cipolle - Zucchine - Pomodori Mentre le farine che utilizzo (dipende dai periodi) sono di produttori locali. È attiva solo la prenotazione per gruppi viste alcune restrizioni di Airbnb. Una cosa da tenere a mente: mi dispiace molto, ma non sono ancora organizzato per offrire l’esperienza a celiaci. (in caso di maltempo la experience verrà sospesa o rimandata)
Посещение уксусного завода Gambigliani Zoccoli
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. La nostra proposta prevede una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia seguita dalla degustazione in purezza dei nostri due prodotti: Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. minimo 12 anni d'invecchiamento e Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. oltre 25 anni d'invecchiamento. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda Agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico. A questo punto sarete pronti per degustare l'ABTM in abbinamento ad 1 stagionatura di Parmigiano Reggiano, una ricotta ed un dolce della casa. (Realizzando tutto in casa, gli abbinamenti proposti potrebbero variare a seconda della disponibilità). Saluti balsamici Mario e Giorgio
Visita in cantina e degustazione di Lambrusco
L'azienda agricola Cleto Chiarli, è una relatà nata su solide e antiche radici, riuscita in pochi anni a esprimere la migliore sintesi tra avanguardia e rispetto della tradizione vinicola emiliana. Il coronamento di una storia d'impreditoria vinicola nata nel 1860, quando il fondatore, Cleto Chiarli, avvia per primo a Modena la produzione di Lambrusco. Il servizio di accoglienza offerto dalla storica azienda CHIARLI, propone tour guidati ai vigneti, alla cantina e degustazione vini, presso la prestigiosa Tenuta Villa Cialdini a Castelvetro di Modena. La durata della visita è di un’ora e mezza circa, prevede l’osservazione dei vigneti, la spiegazione delle fasi di vinificazione e la degustazione di quattro etichette della linea d’eccellenza Cleto Chiarli Tenute Agricole, fiore all’occhiello dell’Azienda.
Пармезан: сырное приключение
GUARANTEED SOCIAL DISTANCING OF 1 METER BETWEEN GUESTS, SANITIZED LABORATORY Visit a traditional Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory and learn the secrets of one of the most celebrated ingredients of Italy. Watch the cheese makers at work and taste some cheese with honey and local wine. Learn the origins of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese on a visit to a cheese factory in Parma. Hear how the cheese – protected by the EU – is still produced following traditional methods. Exclusively made in the Zona Tipica of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and parts of Bologna and Mantova, parmesan cheese dates back over 9 centuries. Watch the cheese makers pull the product from the milk vats, and get a behind-the-scenes look at the process of cooking and separating the whey. Visit the shaping and salting rooms before going to the stagionatura where the cheese is aged. Savor the sight and smell of thousands of wheels of cheese. Learn about the strict tests performed by the Consorzio, such as hammering the cheeses before the fire branding ritual. Then, taste the delicious cheese with some honey and local wine! Other things to note The cheese factory is 15 min. driving form Parma city center. We can meet at Parma train station if you are coming to Parma by train and then we will take you to the Parmigiano cheese factory for free